in silent thinking, storytelling

The Bridge

Baden, Switzerland. Limmat Hochbrücke.
Photo Walk and Silent Thinking. May 4, 2021.

How long did it take for the little yellow tree to grow so big?

I was standing in the middle of the road under the bridge focused on my composition: One step back, to the left, to the right, up, down … – if I am right Ansel Adams called this procedure “the photographer’s dance” – so I didn’t realize the traffic behind me waiting patiently. Maybe they must have noticed my emotional concentration and didn’t want to disturb my creative moments.

However, struggling with the perfect composition I remembered one of my grandfathers stories: Although Switzerland fortunately was not actively involved in World War II, my grandfather’s troops had the order to blow up the bridge in case foreign troops invaded Switzerland, to slow down their advance. Fortunately, it did not happen.

I wondered if the bridge would have looked the same after it was rebuilt.

[As always, click the image to enlarge.]

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  1. that’s adorable!! I like the contrast between dark and light especially in the first photo. I love hearing stories of our grand-grandfather. I didn’t know him – unfortunately – but I know that he was like a king. hmmm how long does it take to grow up for a tree??

    • Thank you Cécile. Your Grand-Grand-Pa was very deep-thinking and never, never gave up. It’s such a loss he is not among us any more. He would love you and Olivia, I am sure. He would tell you fantastic stories. Thank you for reading and commenting my blog!

  2. Super schöne Bilder! Gut getroffen mit hell und dunkel!
    Schon spannend, wie der Baum, doch noch so dünn aber schon so hoch ist. Sehr eindrückliche Bilder.
    Ich bin froh, ist die Brücke noch wie sie war und musste nicht zerstört werden.