Technical perfection obviously killed my creativity

Image credits: Fujifilm, Canon, Nikon

Two weeks ago I felt tempted by the crazy megapixel madness monster.
Image credits: Fujifilm, Canon, Nikon
Two weeks ago I felt tempted by the crazy megapixel madness monster.
Nonsense. Wait – I am not sure it’s all nonsense.
I had the chance to follow the conversation between the guests before the wedding, which made me think a little. In order to respect the guests privacy I made their profiles and posts anonymous.
Fighting against demons and shadows – what was wrong with me?
Everything looked super easy easy-peasy on the map, almost as flat as water. Haha, it was not, not at all! The path to the Ruosalp (→ link to map) felt unbelievable steep, almost overhanging – admittedly, that’s a bit of an exaggeration; but nevertheless, I checked the map over and over again, only to find out, that I was still on track. How long would it take to the ‘Gross Gade’ barn (→ link to map)?
I know what you are thinking.
No. It’s not just because of the Three Kings Cake.
Not only.
[Click the image to enlarge to full resolution. 6th January 2021.]
Every year on the 6th January my mother bought a Three Kings Cake. Although we all knew the meaning of Epiphany, Twelfth Day or Three Kings Day – as it is called – back in my childhood 6th January was a synonym for “Having a Three Kings Cake” – at least for me.
My mother used to crisp it for a few minutes and finally carefully placed the golden paper crown on top. There was a chance to be king for one day – so let the feast begin!
Continue readingHave you ever wondered what the difference is between a “good” photograph and a “bad one”?
Continue readingAbout 12 years ago near Nîmes (F) I photographed the asphalted cobblestone road and two beautiful manhole covers brightly shining in the backlit. I was fascinated by the strong contrasts and deep shadows. In my eyes it was one of my favourite images of all our trip.
But I was alone with my opinion. My wife Arlette called it the “Sushi manhole covers”. What do manhole covers and Sushi have in common?
Unfortunately the original film negative has never been printed – the image is still eagerly waiting for it’s rediscovery in better times.
Continue reading7:00 p.m.: Waiting for the dark.
7:30 p.m.: Waiting for traffic.
8:00 p.m.: Waiting for traffic.
8:30 p.m.: Waiting for traffic.
Read here why you never should give up waiting.
Continue readingA Poem by Robert Frost (American Poet 1874 – 1963).
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