Lost in the whiteout

Norway, Lyngen Alps. February 11, 2019.

Yesterday evening I had discovered three small lakes on the map only 1.5 km away from Anton’s beautiful cottage we were living this week – the Hytte i Lyngsalpene, see this map (the cottage is marked in red).
The difference in altitude from the cottage to the three lakes would be only 170 meters, so the snowshoe walk should be an easy walk.

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A pair of 66North gloves on 69.9 North meets Nave Rosso

A true fairytale.
Norway, Lyngen Alps. February 12, 2019. Photostorytelling.

This morning we left the Hytte i Lyngsalpene, Anton’s beautiful cabin early before sunrise. The light was still blue when we put on our snowshoes and walked down the embankment towards the Jægervatnet. Our route led across the frozen lake for about three miles to the North, and up to the parking where we had left our car a few days ago.

Today we wanted to explore the northern part of the Lyngen Alps.

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Making an image reveals, how rich a moment can be.
Christian Speck

Photoessay. Ehrendingen, Switzerland. June 12, 2019.

Calm. Ehrendingen, Switzerland. 2019.
SOOC .jpg. Effect[Positive Film] (Saturation 3, Contrast 3, Sharpness 6, Vignetting Off). No further editing in post.
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Reach more by doing less

Valuable creative breathers

A few years ago I spent every minute on my job; I was working hard and hardly ever had a break or allowed myself to have a breather – there was no time for any sort of timeout.
Always running, having my Laptop, Tablet and Smartphone with me helped me to keep organized and to work for my customers whenever and wherever I was – this is mobile computing at its best and highly efficient! – and all around the clock. If there was some time between two coaching units or two meetings – well, I knew what to do. It was the time when I founded my company, and in the startup time I created a solid base for it’s future development.

As my company grew rapidly over the last few years I learned to be even more productive – but not in the traditional sense by producing more, organizing better or working even harder, but by doing less – and taking frequent creative breathers.

Let me explain.

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