Looking forward to the delicious and magic elderflower jam – and why I am looking for a dragon now. – Daydreaming, June-13 2020.

Do you know the delicious taste of elderflower jam and golden syrup made of elderflower, and its beautiful yellow-greenish brown color? I took the chance to make some elderflower jam-paintings with my camera.

A magic wand made of elder?
Elder is quite common in the hedges and woods in our nearby, so why not just make a magic wand of elder? After an intense research on ‘how to make a wand’, diving deeply into the world of magic and witchcraft I learned a lot about the complexity of a wand.
Did you know there is a famous wandmaker in Harry Potter’s world – Garrick Ollivander? According to the Harry Potter fandom sites elder (lat. sambucus) is
the rarest wand wood of all, and reputed to be deeply unlucky, the elder wand is trickier to master than any other. It contains powerful magic, but scorns to remain with any owner who is not the superior of his or her company; it takes a remarkable wizard to keep the elder wand for any length of time.
– Source: https://harrypotter.fandom.com/wiki/wand
The core types of the elder wand are made of exciting and rare substances. I would prefer Dragon Heartstring as the core substance, but as a fan and lover of some mystical creatures (see here (Wulver), here (Balena), and here, the good creatures) I do not want to kill a dragon or one of the creatures just in order to get the dragon heartstring.
How to get a dragon heartstring without killing the dragon?
I am looking for a dragon lending me one of his heartstrings – but please, please while staying alive doing so. He would be my friend forever – and I would feed him with the sweet elderflower jam. Promise.

If you think this short daydreaming was inspiring please leave me a comment below. Or if there are any questions – please do not hesitate to ask. I appreciate your feedback a lot. Thank you!
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Dear Papi
These pictures are among the best you’ve ever took. It’s beautiful to see you as a photographer and it’s even more beautiful seeing your pictures. Well, I don’t know what to say anything more… the important thing is just that the colours of the pictures are gorgeous.
And now to my question: With which camera did you take these pictures??
Best wishes, Cécile
Dear Cécile
Thousand thanks for your kind comment, I am glad you like the images. It’s always important to tell a story – some kind of visual storytelling. What camera model I use? It’s my old trusty RICOH GR II – I’m rather photographing my life than the pixels of my life 😉 Thank you once again! Take care.
Gorgeous as always! It’s a fantastic blog with, as you know, one of my very favorite topics. (; I like the atmosphere in this blog. The quiet, dreaming, philosophizing atmopsphere. The pictures are pretty cool, in a completely different style.
In my opinion, it’s very difficult to have a dragon as a friend. Most dragons are a bit aggressive. Therefore, getting a dragon heartstring without killing the dragon could be extremely difficult. But there is a job in the wizarding world where the tamers try to tame a dragon. So, it’s not impossible. (;
However, it’s definitely not a job for me. (: I guess I would be a teacher at Hogwarts or a chaser in a popular Quidditch-team.
Additionally, the core substance in my wand would be a phoenix-feather. (:
But if you could manage to tame your dragon, I would take the time, you are on a hike up in the north and feed your little dragon.
“What’s life without a few dragons?” – Ron Weasley
I’m looking forward to some more daydreamings!
Thank you Olivia, for following my blog and your comment!
I guess I would not tame the dragon, but try to treat him as I wish to be treated by him, to respect him for his strengths and his weaknesses. Together we could be a dream team, the dragon and me. You know, there is exactly the same little extra thing, this little flame – this energy we call life in every living organism, in every human being, in every animal, in every plant. We will never understand this kind of energy – that’s good btw! – although human beings tend to believe they are superior to the other species. To keep it short, I’d rather be a dragon whisperer – and I am sure you would feed my dragon carefully and would be loved by him as well. Thank you once again! Take care.