… landing at Fetlar too. Even more by balloon. What else.
(as always click the images to enlarge)

Airstrip “01” or “10”? I’d probably say “01”, I couldn’t find the other nine.
This time I arrived at Fetlar by ferry. There is an airstrip too, so why not return here by plane the next time?

(click the map to open HERE WeGo)

Or even by balloon?
According to HERE WeGo Fetlar is in a distance of 1’573 km from where I live (Ehrendingen, Switzerland), by balloon.
I wonder how to make sure you don’t miss Fetlar by balloon? 😉

For your help, see this translation: Heißluftballon (German) → balloon (English)

Anyway, with a little bit of luck and a lot of ballooning skills one could precisely hit the exact centre of the circle of the “airstrip 01” labelling at the balloon landing, I am pretty sure 😉
See the “airstrip 01” labelling here in Google Maps.
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