Dark Visual Poem.
July 2018. Corticiasca, Switzerland.
I could have sworn there were footsteps close behind me.
Hurry up to reach the cabin before darkness.
Birches staring at you – asking your name.
A skull between their eyes – a silent witness of history?
Teardrops on their scarred bark, running down for ages.
I could have sworn there were footsteps close behind me.
Hurry up to reach the cabin before darkness.
Dark roots invisibly grabbing for you – ‘don’t trust the trees’ (Brothers Grimm, 2005).
Are they real?
I could have sworn there were footsteps close behind me.
Hurry up to reach the cabin before darkness.
Giant old beard with creepy faces murmuring your name and showing you the way.
I could have sworn there were footsteps close behind me.
Hurry up to reach the cabin before darkness.
Scary faces watching you – do they laugh? Will they snatch you?
I could have sworn there were footsteps close behind me.
Hurry up to reach the cabin before darkness.
The cabin. Home.
‘Up ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmering light’.
©Eagles, Hotel California.
‘This could be heaven or this could be hell’
©Eagles, Hotel California.
©Eagles, Hotel California. One of the most beautiful acoustic versions.
@Eagles, Hotel California – Live at the Capitol Center – 1977.
I could have sworn there were footsteps in front of the door.
And she said: “We are all just prisoners here of our own device”.
©Eagles, Hotel California.
I could have sworn there was a friend at the door.
An old elephant standing at the door, protecting you – forever.
Welcome, my old friend.
I swear this is heaven.
Images: Ricoh GR II, GR Lens f=18.3 mm 1:2.8. .DNG RAW format. Edited in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom.
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Uhh, schaurig,… Aber mir gefällt’s! Inklusive Bilder und the poem. Wie wahr!
Die Wurzelfinger finde ich jetzt doch besser so. Sie wirken für mich viel lebendiger. Und die erste Buche ist mega toll plastisch, direkt zum anfassen, um den weinenden Troll zu trösten.
Und der Elefant, weisst du noch, “de Luschtig” haben ihn unsere Kinder vor 10 Jahren genannt. Schön gibt es ihn noch, unseren Freund!
Danke! Unheimlich schön – dieser Wald. Ich hoffe, der Elefant hält noch lange durch. Er ist unser Schutzelefant.
Absolut! Und übrigens, das Fenster finde ich auch mega!
Danke. Das ist praktisch ‘straight out of the camera’.
Yes, I like this blog ❤️❤️ it’s so beautiful!❤️❤️ And a little bit scary …
Thank you Cécile. The elephant was still there last week. He protects our Rustico for ever.