The Road Not Taken.

A Poem by Robert Frost (American Poet 1874 – 1963).
Continue readingThere are 50 posts filed in life (this is page 1 of 5).
A Poem by Robert Frost (American Poet 1874 – 1963).
Continue readingI am so happy to announce my newest Art Photo Zine – Tremola!
Tremola is the name of the world-famous pass road to the Gotthard Pass in the heart of Switzerland.
Dark storytelling by our daughter Olivia Speck (15). English school work. November 2020.
This may be debatable in relation to photography, but in my personal case it is true though.
Continue readingBright spots of light contrasting with deep shadows, monochrome or almost black and white – what an incredible complexity of contrasts and tones.
The image is probably like me.
This is one of my recent favourites.
9 May 2020 – (slightly philosophic) photoessay on a special day.
[click image to enlarge]
Continue readingEhrendingen, Lägern. Switzerland. April 11, 2020.
Have you ever asked how to create a visual story?
Visual Storytelling in 7 steps.
Continue readingPhilosophic thoughts about moments and transience of time.
Norway, Lyngen Alps. February 11 and 13, 2019.
This morning I left Anton’s beautiful cottage (see this map, the cottage is marked in red) – the fantastic Hytte i Lyngsalpene even before sunrise.
While putting on my snowshoes I was thoughtfully wondering if I would be allowed to touch the untouched and intact snow cover – this white and endless beauty. Do not call me crazy, but my tracks would be visible for days!
Continue readingPhilosophic thoughts and a lot of fun. Norway, Lyngen Alps. February 13, 2019.
Carefully I set my foot on the ice. Mid of February far up in the North at 69.71259, 19.91613, at an aerial distance of 37 km from Tromsø the ice of the frozen Jægervatnet (see Wikipedia article in Norwegian) should be safe. Indeed the ice thickness is about 30 cm – maybe more, so there should be no problem at all! Nevertheless be careful and do not walk too far off the shore, and do not put off your snowshoes – they minimize pressure … you never know – I am a coward. But perhaps it’s better this way.
Continue readingNorway, Lyngen Alps. February 11, 2019.
Yesterday evening I had discovered three small lakes on the map only 1.5 km away from Anton’s beautiful cottage we were living this week – the Hytte i Lyngsalpene, see this map (the cottage is marked in red).
The difference in altitude from the cottage to the three lakes would be only 170 meters, so the snowshoe walk should be an easy walk.
A true fairytale.
Norway, Lyngen Alps. February 12, 2019. Photostorytelling.
This morning we left the Hytte i Lyngsalpene, Anton’s beautiful cabin early before sunrise. The light was still blue when we put on our snowshoes and walked down the embankment towards the Jægervatnet. Our route led across the frozen lake for about three miles to the North, and up to the parking where we had left our car a few days ago.
Today we wanted to explore the northern part of the Lyngen Alps.
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